
Photographic material I’ve shot for the 2015 Lavazza calendar website during the Tanzania leg of our trip for the filming of The Earth Defenders documentary (Lavazza/Discovery), in coordination with photographer Steve McCurry.


Photographic material I’ve shot for the 2015 Lavazza calendar website during the Ethiopian leg of our trip for the filming of The Earth Defenders documentary (Lavazza/Discovery), in coordination with photographer Steve McCurry.


The pictures in this gallery were taken during the filming of the documentary: Community Health, Global Knowledge: Experiences from Uganda, which we made for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as part of the wider project Learning For Actions Across Health Systems. The documentary chronicles our journey to Uganda, where we met with community health workers across the country to hear their voices regarding the next steps in community health.


These are some of the photos I took during my fieldwork in Malawi in the summer of 2017. I went there to research the links between climate change (affecting especially the southern parts of the country) and the increase in forms of human exploitation.


As a result of my work experiences and my work on human trafficking and child exploitation, in November 2014 I traveled to Thailand, one of the world’s major hubs of child trafficking for sexual purposes. With the assistance of Save the Children, The United Nations Population Fund and the NGO Compassion Italia, I interviewed and photographed former victims of child trafficking and the various social workers, health-care professionals and volunteers helping them.

The New Faces of Africa

These are the photos featured in my solo exhibition “The New Faces of Africa,” which ran at the Hotel Boscolo in Milan from September to November, 2015.

“PRESS RELEASE: A unique journey that lasted five months, in the heart of Africa; a report on the trail of a proactive, vital and constantly evolving continent, able to look to the future; a photographer with a keen eye that captures the essence of the men, women and children of those lands and highlights their pride and desire to be leaders of a free and independent tomorrow.

Photographer and video reporter that has dedicated his profession to international investigative pieces and reports, Davide Scalenghe exhibits a selection of 20 photographs shot during the trip that has taken him to Morocco, Senegal, Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania, alongside Steve McCurry. The occasion was that of the documentary and photographic project that accompanied the shooting of the Lavazza calendar 2015 “The Earth Defenders” by the American photographer, a collaboration between Lavazza and Slow Food, and that Scalenghe turned into a film broadcast by Discover’s Real Time.

The main themes of Expo 2015 are those of the exhibition “The New Faces of Africa”: food and nutrition, basic human need, but also symbol of freedom where rural production is the sector that employs entire villages and that puts African men and women at the center of their own destiny.

Many such communities have grown considerably in recent years and have today achieved full autonomy: farmers are able to sell their product directly, without the intervention of intermediaries, increasing the direct gain for the maintenance of their household.

In partnership with LAVAZZA.”

Ethiopia (2019)

In 2019, I was commissioned by SOAS, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, to travel to Ethiopia and Angola and tell the stories of some of the construction, garment and textile workers I encountered. The commission was part of the wider project Industrial Development, Construction and Employment in Africa (IDCEA), a comparative analysis on employment patterns and outcomes in the infrastructure construction and manufacturing sectors in the two countries. The photos below are a selection of my portfolio from the Ethiopian leg of the trip.

Angola (2019)

In 2019, I was commissioned by SOAS, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, to travel to Angola and Ethiopia to tell the stories of some of the construction, garment and textile workers I encountered. The commission was part of the wider project Industrial Development, Construction and Employment in Africa (IDCEA), a comparative analysis on employment patterns and outcomes in the infrastructure construction and manufacturing sectors in the two countries. The photos below are a selection of my portfolio from the Angolan leg of the trip.

EXHIBITION: Employment Dynamics in Africa (SOAS)

These 25 photos were featured in the exhibition and workshop titled Chinese Firms and Employment Dynamics in Africa. They were chosen for the specific purpose of the exhibition out of a set of pictures that I took in Angola and Ethiopia as part of the IDCEA (Industrial Development, Construction and Employment in Africa) project, commissioned by S.O.A.S., School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.

The IDCEA team conducted 4 years of research on employment patterns and outcomes in the infrastructure construction and manufacturing sectors in Angola and Ethiopia, where large-scale surveys of workers and extensive qualitative research were conducted between 2016 and 2018.

Democratic Republic of Congo

Photographs from my 9 months on the field in the South Kivu province, Democratic Republic of Congo, with Médecins Sans Frontières.